CERT for entrepreneurs

You have been certified as a ROIEDU Business or ROIEDU Global Skills practitioner. You can design and balance your operation’s cost centres with ease. You are an expert in negotiations, assertiveness and dealing with personality disorders in the workplace. You design top product presentations and marketing campaigns following our patented COMPOSE methodology. Your business is steadily becoming profitable, you have dealt creatively with your business’s limitations, and you have discovered that the sky is the limit. Isn’t it about time you thrived? CERT I, II and III will fully immerse you in The αriston Project philosophy of content, measure and diversity. These courses will bring to the surface within you the innovator, the mentor and perhaps the next The αriston Project contributor, enabling you to change the future of work, employability and entrepreneurship alongside us. CERT ensures you and your enterprise develop all skillset groups (Business and Marketing, HR and Management, Administration of Service and Clients, Service/Product Design, Service Resources, Service/Product Performance Assessment, Staff Support, The use of IT/Multimedia) across all levels, from 1a to 3b.


  • Communicative Style Screening and Testing
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Flipped Classroom

Skills 2020 to 2030


Trans-disciplinarity and Transferable Skills

Novel and Adaptive Thinking

Social Intelligence

New Media Literacy

Computational Thinking

Design Mindset

Cognitive Load Management

Cross Cultural Competency

Virtual Collaboration

Neuroleadership awareness

financial literacy

crisis management

Environmental intelligence

Global health and safety management

Interpersonal intelligence

Numerical literacy

Algorithmic decision making


Duration: 6 months

Structure: 4+2 sessions once a month, flipped classroom

  • CERT I-1: Business and Marketing
  • CERT I-2: HR Management and Staff Support
  • CERT I-3: Service Product-Design Support
  • CERT I-4: The αriston Project Common Framework of Reference in Micro-Entrepreneurship


  • Highly specialised course of premium quality which transforms both the modus operandi and the problem-solving patters of the entrepreneur
  • Complex yet comprehensive material compounded with real life practical examples
  • Tasks and assignments specifically tailored for and applied to your enterprise
  • Quality assurance

Did you know...

  • The term ‘Virtual Team’ refers to a group of people who work outside of temporal, spatial and organisational limits using synergetic technology
  • In 2006, more than 38 million Americans worked in a virtual group for at least one day monthly. It was estimated that by 2010, this number would increase to more than 100 million
  • In 2020, the covid-19 pandemic made working from home a necessity, speeding a long-time coming transition even more. And whilst employers tended to view remote working with scepticism as far as employee efficiency and productivity were concerned, it is becoming clearer than ever that in fact, it is connected to higher productivity, streamlined communication, a larger skillset pool, cost-effectiveness and fewer sick days, among many other benefits

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