
learn, unlearn, relearn

The αriston Project

In 2011, Yiannis Stergis founded The αriston Project – an ambitious endeavour that introduced and pioneered the concept of Skills 2020. Over a period of just seven years, more than 6,000 trainees developed their skill sets and insights for the future of work.

Ten years later, we are launching Skills 2030 – a new programme within our core philosophical axis of Measure–Content–Diversity. Our values do not simply reinforce knowledge and practice; they define the person behind the profession. Education...#itsmorethanwhatyouthink

Effective education is not active but attractive; like therapy

Yannis Stergis, President and MD of Hyphen SA

Philosophy and Values


Measure as the central axis of my life and my actions.


Content as a restorative and cohesive factor in the grand scheme of things.


Count every person as a small heaven with its own unique map.

Our Methodology

Learning and communicative style screening

Awareness of which learning and communicative style serves our individual neurology helps us achieve our goals and learn faster. We offer all trainees a free online screening test and provide intensive guidance based on its results. The analogy of your visual, auditory and kinaesthetic response to stimuli will define how the trainer will shape each learning session.

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction is a scientific pedagogical approach for each individual student, where specialised instructors design lessons based on customised desired outcomes using tools such as Bloom’s Taxonomy. By the end of the sessions, students will have learned the practical value of both the theory and its application, and how they can use it for their own personal growth.

Flipped Classroom

Flipped Classroom is an innovative and effective teaching methodology where the traditional theory–delivery process is reversed. Teaching initially takes place online. This allows trainees to revisit or dwell on areas they have not fully grasped. The second stage is their participation in the practical implementation of the subject, where questions are answered and more examples are provided.

WIMFU (What’s In Me For You)

The most important orientation for each student of every subject. The trainee is taught, empirically and technically, how to project their competitive advantages using the information and know-how provided. Trainees acquire self-discipline and an understanding of their environment and can adjust their competitive advantages accordingly.

Learner neurological profiling

Our nervous system is an organ, subject to our DNA and other environmental factors. It determines our systemic quotient (SQ) and our empathetic quotient (EQ). It can also determine other genetically idiosyncratic factors, such as our multiple intelligences, but it doesn’t determine our learning preferences and styles, which are mainly subject to environmental and developmental influences. Awareness of our neurological profile as learners enables more efficient academic and professional orientation. There is extensive evidence that learners and professionals who are aware of their neurological profile achieve higher success rates in all contexts. All trainees undergo a learner neurological assessment session as part of their final learner portfolio, as well as adequate training in how to make best use of it.

Learner learning profiling

Our learning style or preferences are mostly determined by environmental and developmental influences. Circumstances of the learning environment can affect whether stimuli that contribute most to our learning experience relate to certain senses, such as vision, hearing or touch, but also to our sense of balance and movement, sensory excitability and visual connection with image or text. The receptor that will become predominant among them is defined by variable conditions, age, emotions, mood and other factors. Awareness of learning and communication style and preferences can facilitate more profound learning, as well as more effective collaboration with our peers. In a business environment it can play an incremental role in avoiding assumptions and misunderstandings, thus enhancing productivity. All trainees undergo learner learning profile assessments frequently during their course, as well as the adequate training in how to make best use of it.

Our Courses

Leadership Courses

Are you a leader guide, a leader mediator or a leader implementer? Find out and become the leader of your own life and the life of your students, colleagues, employees and even family members. Embrace Skills 2020 and 2030 for the future of work, employability and entrepreneurship.

Train the Coach

Everybody is talking about coaching, and rightly so. It is a key function for the development of unique talent, success and happiness. There are thousands of coaching courses available, some organized by lifelong learning centres at well-known universities. However, many of them are taught by instructors who have never been coached themselves. They give lessons based on a standardized formula.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace.

As a business owner or manager do you delegate, brief and communicate with your teams effectively? Is every role in your organizational chart manned by the right person? What are the special requirements of each role and job description, and how does the right candidate respond to them according to their neurology, learning and communication preferences and personality structure? This is a unique course, researched and developed by Hyphen SA’s President and MD, for the future of work and employability, aimed at educating HR managers, business owners, work psychologists and department managers about the different neurological profiles of employees and suppliers, as well as special methodologies and techniques to enhance productivity and satisfaction rates in the workplace.

Future of work – Skills 2020 and 2030

The future of work is mobile, empathetic and entrepreneurial. The future of work requires financial literacy, new media literacy, innovation mindset and profound self-awareness. Hyphen SA knows the future of work, employability and entrepreneurship, because we help design it!

Train the trainer

The new world of training for the future of work requires up-to-date training skills and most of all, awareness of the Skills 2020 and 2030 development methodologies. Become one of Hyphen SA’s Skills 2020 and 2030 trainers.

Train the Skills 2030 Trainer

This is a unique course for experienced HR trainers, professional orientation experts and top language teachers. Develop your learners’ transferable skills through integrated courses that focus on each learner individually, creating a unique experience that they will carry with them straight to their next professional opportunity. Attend blended lessons presenting real case studies and contribute to the expansion of a new learning experience and development philosophy. Be the trainer of the future.

Η Εμπειρία Των Πελατών Μας

When I initiated my cooperation with SLI, I realised that my education and dedication were inadequate in and of themselves to manage my business. Our businesses are entities with a lot of prerequisite parameters for their profitability and growth. SLI brings these parameters to light, makes them understandable and applicable, and maximises the potential of a small business, with further development of quality standards. A basic prerequisite, of course, is that the people who work be cooperative, open-minded to new procedures and put in effort. In this domain, SLI offers inexhaustible expertise. This is the precise reason I have great faith in the abilities of the instructors and coaches of SLI. Their approach is strictly scientific, with measurable results. The team is extremely supportive, respecting the personality and past of the business.

Margarita Kamariotou

Owner of an educational business, Aigaleo Attikis

I dreamt of being a photographer ever since I was a little child. Photography is my great love. I wanted to be able to develop myself and make a living via photography, but I had never imagined myself as a businesswoman. A few years ago, a colleague of mine talked about The αriston project and SLI. This might have been the most efficient investment I ever made, both to my business and myself. They helped me discover my business and its potential from the ground up. I have been cooperating with them continuously ever since, feeling a strong sense of security and trust.

Iosifina (Josephine) Svania

Photographer-Businesswoman, Thessaloniki

I am a Mechanical Engineer of AUTh and I have worked for Attiko Metro and an international group in Athens that was active in highways. Since projects stopped due to the crisis, I was forced to look internationally for employment in my field. When a great opportunity presented itself in the Copenhagen Metro, I directly applied what I learned in ROIEDU Global Skills. I conducted both my interviews via Skype in Athens. I presented my virtual portfolio online during the interview. During a videoconference with three more applicants I immediately won the position when we were asked if we had anything further to comment or ask. I asked “as a cost centre, what is my share of the percentage of the turnover that I will produce for your company? It is important for me in order to substantiate my productivity”. Everyone was left pensive. Within 15 days I was in Copenhagen, in an apartment paid for by the company and in a colourful and multilingual environment. I already feel like a citizen of the world.

Giorgos Giannopoulos

Mechanical Engineer AUTh

We already owned an innovative small business with the aim of developing and maintaining hygiene standards in the domestic and professional space, which, like the entire market, was tested by the crisis. At the same time, the previous generation of the family left behind an extraordinarily successful and historic business in the field of confectionery. We were at our wits’ end, while we already struggled with making our own business stand on its feet, we found ourselves with a second one. ROIEDU Business taught us that no matter how many businesses you own, their success is dependent on you and the factor of entrepreneurship. We learned how to measure productivity of materials and human resources, and therefore that in entrepreneurship, nothing is random. Now, even in the current times, all burdens have been successfully regulated and our businesses are paying dividends. Most importantly, we developed all the emotional skills that are required for the management of everyone involved during this important change.

Poly Koula and Argiris Xatziemmanouil

Owners of IASI and Mpezes Patisserie

Trainers of the future do not instruct; they rather listen actively, ask the right questions and provide abundant space for the curious and excited researcher hidden within each of their trainees.

Yannis Stergis, President and MD of Hyphen SA

“Follow us Through to the Future”

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