Leadeship Coaching

Leadership Coaching Programmes

The biggest difference between a business consultant and a leadership coach or even mentor is that one cannot be a coach without having been in your shoes. They must have matured in the same field of struggle as you. They must be able to diagnose your errors and needs based on who you are and how exactly you want things to evolve. Also, they must be able to convey the theory and their experience, as well as expose you to the equilibrium of your decisions and their consequences. They must be there with you, through action and implementation, in the same field of struggle, until conquering it becomes your second nature.

In the market you will find hundreds of so called business consultants. They may be employed by a consultancy firm with an economics degree or even an MBA, who, however, have never stayed up all night because the so and so big client hadn’t paid and they couldn’t work out how to pay the salaries at the end of the month. They may also be employees of a big organization who were made redundant and who with limited employability named themselves business consultants, obviously without the value of a really employable person. Last but not least, they may be well documented accountants who however fail to realize the difference between accountancy and extra-accountancy records, or the difference between an accountant and a financial manager dealing with cost centres and budgets, especially among SMEs. All these people, regardless of fair business doing, have a legal right to name themselves as they wish and find clients. In SLI you will find a true coach who will start from your own requests, your own character, your psychology and neurology, your history, and you will open roads together, towards the fruition of each one of your ventures.

Don’t forget, your Leadership Coach is a coach because she/he has been exactly where you are now. This is not necessarily the case with a simple consultant…

Our Courses

Leadership Coaching Programme

This is the “king” of SLI’s programmes. Within one calendar year your coach will analyze your request, will carry out a series of diagnostic sessions covering your business on the whole, as well as your personality and its traits as they manifest themselves in your business doing. Followingly, your coach will produce an implementation plan, where hand in hand you will both correct errors, restore damage, regulate and control “entrepreneurial handicaps”, and set the foundations for the growth that both you and your business deserve. Throughout this period, which we call “The Harvest” you attend various training programmes and sessions with masterclass level programmes, most of them tailored to your needs and time availability. Intervention goes both to you and your staff and your environment if need be, especially in cases of succession, family business and partnerships. Results are measurable and the programme will so be assessed only on measurability terms.

Leadership Diagnostics Programme

This programme is addressed to entrepreneurs who hesitate to commit to a long term transformational plan. However, they recognize that a third, scientifically and business-wise experienced eye will disclose and unfold conditions and parameters of their business doing that they themselves would miss. Also they feel experienced enough to implement, even with a little help from their mentor, the implementation plan that their mentor delivered based on the diagnostic report. Of course, such a programme costs much less than that of Leadership Coaching, and lasts from three to five months. The entrepreneur is once more expected to attend the ROIEDU Business programme with a 100% scholarship and no further costs for them, so that with the delivery of the diagnostic report and the implementation plan, we can ensure that both mentor and entrepreneur speak the same language.

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